LGBTQ2S+ Inclusivity at Brooks – A Student Perspective


qathet Pride is sharing this study from 2020/2021. 

Capstone presentation created by Jordana Pangburn, a grade 12 student at Brooks Secondary School, with the guidance of Allison Burt, Jonathan Dyck and Willow Dunlop.

22 questions offered to all 776 students, with 420 responding: 

      • 54% of Brooks students in grades 8-12 responded 
      • In a class of 30 students 6.6 identify as LGBTQ2S+ 
      • 22% Do identify as LGBTQ2S+ (plus 11% unsure)
      • 39.5% Describe their sexual orientation as other than heterosexual
      • 16% Describe their gender as other than Cisgender 
      • When it came to Pronouns, 44.3% She/her/hers, 38.9% He/Him/his, 8% They/them/theirs, 5.2% Other, 3.7% Unsure. 
      • Pronouns do not always correspond with gender identity 
      • While 50% of LGBTQ2S+ and unsure students were comfortable being out at school, over 50% were uncomfortable discussing LGBTQ2S+ content is class or other students, more were comfortable discussing with teachers. 
      • 50% of students witnessed homophobia slurs at Brooks two or more times a week, and over 25% witnessed hurtful language daily. And almost 20% witnessed physical bullying twice a month or more.  Interestingly non-LGBTQ2S+ students observations measured almost identically. 
      • Where students say homophobic behaviour comes from : 40.7% report homophobic behaviour from staff, and 97% report homophobic behaviour from students. 
      • 20.5% students report that staff never intervene. And 29.3% say staff are sometimes homophobic when they do, so over 50% don’t bother reporting homophobic behaviour. 
      • 33.8% say interventions were not at all effective. 
      • 69% of students report that NO LGBTQ2S+ content was covered in the past school year, 3% report being portrayed negatively and 28% report being portrayed positively 
      • 35.5% of LGBTQ2S+ students completely disagree that they are satisfied with sexual health education. 
      • Thank you to Jordana and team for presenting the finding and recommendations to Brook, Mayor and Council. 

How are your youth doing in school and after school… are you supportive and aware ? 

The full report can be view here 

Community Conversation ~ Joyous Abundant Pride in qathet :




You’re Invited : Save the Date  

qathet Pride Society hosts a community conversation for Joyous Abundant Pride in qathet

Saturday April 1st 2023 

Join us: dream big, get excited, be heard. 

Joyous Abundant PRIDE in qathet 

Saturday, April 1st, 2023    2:00-4:30 pm   at the Town Centre Hotel

Stay Tuned, more details to follow…

Please register to help us prepare (and not required)


qathet Pride 2022 Events

Updated August 30, 2022

Thank you to all 700 people who attended 12 events August 6 to 22, 2022 

Gender Bender Clothing Swap, Saturday, August 6, 3:00pm, Art Centre, Organizational Members Only, Registration now closed.

Flag Raising, Monday, August 8, 10:00am, City Hall, All Welcome

Trans qathet Community Workshop, Tuesday, August 9, 12:00-2:00 pm, Carlson Community Club, Registration Required, visit to sign up.

Cranberry Picnic (bring your own food), Tuesday, August 9, 5:30 pm, All Welcome. Registration now closed.

Queer Film Showing: ‘Wildhood’, Wednesday, August 10, 3:30pm, Patricia Theatre, All Welcome

Queer Pizza & T Dance at the Wildwood, Thursday, August 11, 4:00-9:00 pm, Wildwood Pub, All Welcome, Food and drinks by payment

Drag Performance and Dinner at the Shinglemill, Friday August 12, 5:00-9:00 pm, All Welcome, Food and drinks by payment

Pride Festival in the Park, Saturday, August 13, 12:00-4:00pm, Larry Gouthro Park, All Welcome

Free Pancake Breakfast, Sunday, August 14, 9:00am-12:00pm, Edie Rae’s Cafe, LGBTQ2S+ Only

Short Films Showing: ‘Making it Out Alive,’ Sunday, August 14, 12:30pm, Patricia Theatre, in partnership with VQFF (Vancouver Queer Film Fest) All Welcome 14+,

Gender Bender Fashion Show, Sunday, August 14, 3:00pm, Art Centre, LGBTQ2s+ Only, Registration now closed

Blackberry Festival Table, Friday, August 19, All Welcome

Thank you to all see you for qathet Pride 2023.